Pregnancy Miracle Book By Lisa Olson Pdf Download - Pregnancy Miracle Bo...

What’s more, many of the medical treatments, surgeries and pharmaceutical drugs for infertility don’t actually treat the base cause of the problem. Instead, they treat the symptom and attempt to remove it that way. This can sometimes cause more problems than you started with.
This eBook will look at some reasons for infertility and how using a natural, holistic approach to reversing your infertility problems can greatly improve your chances of conceiving a child of your own without surgery and without drugs.
Are you ready to change your life and become a happy parent?
Get Pregnant: Cure Infertility Naturally
Reasons for Infertility in Women
There are so many different reasons for infertility, in both men and women, that it’s impossible to use a blanket term to cover everything. Instead, it’s important to look at various things that could affect your chances of conceiving and consider what diagnosis suits your own personal situation.
Ovarian Cysts
Ovarian cysts are small fluid-filled sacs that develop in the ovaries. In most cases, they’re completely harmless, but they can rupture and cause tremendous pain. If a ruptured cyst is left untreated, it can form sepsis, which is quite toxic and potentially lethal.
Of course, the presence of ovarian cysts can also interfere with normal conception.
Most medical specialists will recommend that any cysts be removed surgically, which can be a painful and expensive procedure. What they don’t tell you is that it’s possible to reduce ovarian cysts naturally and painlessly.
‘Lazy’ Ovaries
Some specialists will diagnose ‘lazy’ ovaries as a cause of infertility. This simply means an egg isn’t being released when it should, so they’ll tend to prescribe infertility drugs, such as Clomid, to induce ovulation.

The Steps to Getting Pregnant and Giving Birth to Healthy Children

If getting pregnant and delivering a healthy baby is what you’re after, than Chapter Four will offer you the five most important steps to achieving that goal naturally. This includes an in-depth discussion on:

Achieving Balance, Harmony and Congruency for Conceiving Your Baby through a specialized two-step plan that can help enhance any woman’s fertility. Making the Diet and Exercise Changes Necessary to conceive, including vitamin and mineral enhancement; exercising; stress control; sleep optimization and clearing your home and your body of dangerous toxins. Cleansing Your Energy for Conception Using Acupuncture and Acupressure techniques specifically designed to enhance fertility, as well as tips for balancing your Cycle Phase and Specific Condition with Chinese Herbs and utilizing basic Qi Gong exercises for strengthening your reproductive system and opening the Qi energy pathways needed to conceive. Internal cleansing and liver detoxification. Nurturing Your Organs and Enhancing Your Qi Through Acupressure and Qi Gong Exercises.

Within this chapter you will learn the importance of reading your body’s signals and signs; keeping a fertility chart; predicting ovulation; and surviving the twoweek wait.


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Special Conditions and Other Infertility Related Disorders

As we’ve already discussed, no couple’s story is exactly the same, which means treating every couple’s infertility issues will be slightly different. In Chapter Six we will discuss some of the special circumstances you may be encountering including:

advanced age unexplained infertility secondary infertility mechanical infertility PCOS, Endometriosis, Fibroids, Ovarian Cysts Cancer and Infertility Tubal Ligation and more …

Learning More …

In addition to learning the secrets my husband and I used to conceive our children, we’ve also decided to add several appendices to the book to discuss other options for couples including In-Vitro Fertilization; Using Yoga and Massage to Conceive; Homeopathic Help; and Healing Both Body and Mind in your quest to conceive.


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While some couples may find it beneficial to read the entire book from cover to cover first, and then go back and review sections, which deal with their specific issues and concerns, some couples may opt to begin by reading the sections that best fit their circumstances. How you decide to use the information in this book is certainly up to you, just remember the importance of establishing a complete fertility plan that encompasses a variety of treatment methods to better your chance of having a healthy and happy baby!

Ready to learn more? Great! Let’s get started … boy, do I ever have a lot to tell you …

Pregnancy Miracle is an eBook written by Dr. Lisa Olson. She is a health adviser, a nourishment professional and also a Chinese Herbal Health Care Researcher. This 279- page program is a downloadable e-book which presents an easy and holistic 5-step solution which actually refers itself from the real ancient Chinese system and is clinically proven for permanently curing your infertility and your partner’s infertility disorders. You can get pregnant within 2 months without any medications, any surgeries or any expensive infertility treatments.

Pregnancy Miracle Review - PDF EBook Book Free Download by Lisa Olson
