Watch First The Prolong Ejacualtion Guide -Cure Your Premature Ejaculation?

My Step By Step Solution Will Tackle All Of The Causes Of Premature Ejaculation Including:
Psychological Causes

Your mind is very powerful. It's important to tackle emotional and mental factors that are contributing to your inability to last long in bed, and believe me, there are plenty.

You might not realize that what is going on in your head is drastically affecting your sex life, and your ability to last in the bedroom.

The scary thing about this is your P.E. will only get worse if you don't start dealing with your mental and emotional state today. You are most likely allowing your thought process to contribute to your condition, and it will get harder and harder to break as each day passes.

WIth my guide, I will show you how to eliminate negative mental and emotional triggers, that will start yielding amazing results very quickly. Not only will you see immediate results, but you will also be shocked at how easily you achieve these results. She will be thanking you all night long!

Physical Causes

The ejaculatory reflex is similar to any other reflex. It can be worked on, trained, and controlled. Right now, you can only take so much stimulation before you ejaculate. For some of you, this even occurs before penetration.

It's important to know that there is nothing wrong with you. It's just the current way your physical body is trained and wired.

With the proper techniques, which I lay out in my ebook, you will start to train your physical body to react differently to sexual stimulation. Over time, you will "re-wire" your body, which will allow you to control, delay, or expedite your ability to reach orgasm.

Physiological Causes

For many men, P.E. can partially be caused physiologically. When a man is sexually aroused, hormones are released in the brain that dilate blood vessels in the penis that cause an erection.

Studies show that men who ejaculate too quickly tend to have low levels of a neurotransmitter called Serotonin. Your Serotonin levels can be altered directly by your thought process.

However, there are some thoughts during sex, and in our daily lives, that are very hard to control. These thoughts are very hard to control for most people, but can slowly be dealt with if you know where and how to look for them.

By combining new techniques, and some of the mental and physical techniques I talk about, I will show you, over time, how you can begin to naturally and safely alter this important chemical that is produced by the body.

Communicative Causes

The majority of other companies don't even scratch the surface of this category. I find it to be just as valuable, if not more valuable, than the other areas I discuss in my guide. Not only is it important for you to last longer in bed, but it will make you a better sex partner overall, and that is what women want!

It's very important to know the proper way to communicate with women, both emotionally and physically. Let's face it guys, men and women are very different, and they communicate differently as well. This can cause major problems in a relationship, especially when it comes to sex. There are some extremely important techniques that you can implement into your relationship, that will make things run a whole lot smoother, and I go into great detail on how to do this in my ebook.

If you currently are not in a relationship, don't worry. This information will be of great benefit to you too.

By implementing these techniques, you will begin to teach her things about your struggle with P.E., your relationship together, and her own sexual energy that was previously in the dark. It will open up a world of sexual enlightenment that everyone wants, but very few ever experience.

You Will Become The Lover She Has Always Wanted
By following my easy to understand step-by-step guide, you will learn dozens of secrets and techniques that will help with your premature ejaculation and make you an amazing lover. This will give you an advantage over other men, and it will make your partner scream for more!

The confidence that you gain from my guide will translate into all areas of your life. There is nothing more satisfying than being able to give her complete pleasure in the bedroom. You will use this confidence to become the man that you know that you can become. ◄◄◄ CLICK THE DISCOUNT LINK TO visit Official The Prolong Ejaculation Guide

The Prolong Ejaculation Guide

the prolong ejaculation guide

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